MyDinéCollege (informally known as "Warrior Web") is the official portal to the Diné College On-line Community. This portal provides you with exclusive, 24 hour access from anywhere on the internet to internal college information and resources, whether you are a student, staff member, or faculty member. With your MyDinéCollege I.D. (your computer login) and password you will be able to access online courses, schedules, academic records, semester grades, and billing statements - including important announcements, news, and events from college departments and groups. MyDinéCollege also has an integrated online system that provides faculty and students with a virtual environment with resources to enhance instruction and communication. Faculty members can upload syllabi, handouts and media, assign on-line homework and exams, administer forums, enter grades, track attendance and manage an automated gradebook. It is a tool that enhances the experience of students when used to supplement physical classroom meetings and presentations. We hope you enjoy your personalized connection to Diné College Online and the many resources we have available.